Sunday, February 14, 2010

Will you not be my Valentine

When you put orange and black together you get Halloween. Mix some green and red in there and you get Christmas. But throw pink in the mix, and you get something special. You get chocolates and flowers and a whole lot of lovin. Hallmark’s busiest time of year and every florist’s nightmare happens to land on this day. February 14th is loved by the lovers and hated by the haters. Oh Valentines Day, who came up with your existence? Every poor dude out there thinks that if he doesn’t buy his girl a dozen roses he has failed her in every way. And every girl out there thinks that if her boyfriend of three years doesn’t propose, that maybe he doesn’t really love her. Look at the expectations you set you silly holiday. You make this day some people’s first time to say I love you or maybe its some people’s first time to experience each other’s nakedness. But who says we have to be (as Bambi says it best) “Twitterpated” on this day? I’m just going to live this day in my sweatpants and sneakers, still wearing last night’s makeup on my face and try not to make a big deal out of the reds and pinks overtaking the universe. Now, I know what you all are thinking. This is my feeble attempt to bash Valentines Day because I happen to be one of the single ladies out there that won’t receive flowers but will still probably be eating chocolate. But I’ll let you in on a secret. I don’t really like flowers. I mean if I got them I wouldn’t hate them but the sun will still rise tomorrow if some plants in a vase are not sitting on my nightstand. So I’m not bashing Valentines Day. No way. I like chocolate too much to do that. And flowers aren’t so bad; they should just have a different scent is all. If flowers smelled like cologne or if I could eat them when they were done looking pretty then maybe I would like them better. All I’m trying to say is why do we have to set a holiday for people to love each other? Flowers are expected on this day. They aren’t expected on March 29th. I’d rather receive them then if I were to get any. It’s a random day. Shouldn’t this love thing be happening every day? No, you’re right, it’s too much work to love like that every day. I would have to say I’m more of an April fools girl. Definitely fits my personality better. Like how cool would it be to ask someone to marry you on April Fools and really mean it? The guy walks up and is like “Babe, will you marry me? April Fools!....No but seriously, you wanna?” And then the girl gets to say no without hurting his pride. Anyway it seems I’ve went on a tangent here. For all you lovers out there, I hope you enjoy each other’s company. I sincerely mean that. For all you single people out there lets enjoy it while we can, “I’m feelin like a star, you can’t stop my shine, I’m lovin cloud nine, my head’s in the sky, I’m solo, I’m ridin solo, I’m ridin solo."

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