Friday, February 26, 2010

She Should Bounce (Editorial 3 Final Draft)

With a 9-16 overall record many people may be wondering where a certain sports program at UNK is heading as they stare into the future of athletics. As people look back, into this specific sport, memories of twenty win seasons and All-American players flood their minds. Loper Athletics as a whole has always been thought of as a powerhouse. But this year the Women’s Basketball program may be the weakest link. So as one stands in the present it is quite unclear why the sudden flip flop occurred in the win/loss statistic, as the year 2010 came bouncing in.

Although some may blame the incredibly young team that shows up on the roster for the rocky road the program has experienced thus far into the season, it should be brought forth that there is a coaching problem as well. Now, how would any bystander be able to observe such a situation with out being influenced by a biased opinion on this subject? Well, if anyone did any research at all they would find this. The current head coach has reigned over the basketball program for eight years. In the last four and a half years the program has been through four assistant coaches and has said goodbye to thirteen players who decided wearing the Loper uniform was not for them. Now if anyone is not good at math here, that is an average of three players and one coach per year. Having this many people stream in and out of a program in such a short amount of time would start to take its toll on a team one would think. It has done just that and it is quite evident this year as the program hired a sports psychologist to come work out the kink in their rope to success. Is it just the bad weather Mother Nature throws at us in the great town of Kearney that is pushing these people away? Although Kearney has seen some horrible winters over the past four years there has to be more than snowflakes and zero degree temperatures that are forcing these people to make a decision to leave. Maybe we have a hardheaded coach who isn't willing to change her ways on our hands.

Something needs to be done about the current situation this sports program has found themselves in. If the university wants to boost attendance and bring more recruits into the program a conclusion must be made about how to achieve this. With a coach who must care more about her win loss record than her players or co-workers it will be hard to get the program heading in a positive direction. If a psychologist can’t help the situation who can? Oh that’s right, a new coach could.

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