Thursday, February 25, 2010

Pack your Powerade and Powerbar, we're going on a Powertrip

We have all worked for someone who constantly carries their suitcase with them everywhere they go. Yes, it seems they grip the handle of life so tightly, their hand has forever molded into that position to seize all it contains. They pack every minor detail into this suitcase and are sure to let you know about it when you show up for work. It is as though all they care about are themselves and of course that beloved suitcase and all it entails. They open their suitcase up every day and unload the whole lot right on top of your shoulders. As random objects fall out in your face you wonder why exactly it is that you work for this person. Why should you work for someone who has to carry that big fat suitcase around with him or her everywhere they go? Well I’ll tell you why. Your boss is on a power trip. Yep, they packed their bag and are ready to take you on a vacation from hell.

It’s worth it some might say, especially if you make good money. But making money should have little to do with why you show up to work everyday. It should be because you love what you do. This love suddenly turns into a task when your boss sucks every ounce of that love you ever possessed from your body. It turns into a dreaded assignment. And if you fail this assignment your job position is threatened, so you suddenly must walk on egg shells everywhere you go, just hoping your boss's suitcase doesn't come crashing down on your head.

When it is finally evident to you that all your boss cares about is themselves and how high up they are on the rankings of "most prestigious bosses" list, that's when you know it is time to opt out of the vacation. Your boss will never care about you as a person. They will only care about what you can produce for them. Because as much as anyone tries to pry that suitcase from their hand they will always be on a trip. A power trip.

1 comment:

  1. Ah those rigid suitcase carrying'd they ever get to vacation on Earth?
