Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dating at its worst

Alright, the dating world can be rough. We all know that. Especially now a days where everything is started through texting or facebook. For goodness sakes we are dating online even. No there is no such thing as a "Hi, how are you?" and a simple handshake gesture anymore. Do we really get to know people for people anymore? Or do we get to know people's facebook profile's and texting strategies instead? Because really how many people (be honest) have you actually met in college, sober? This is how it works you see. You go to a party you see someone, you stalk them on facebook and then you become friends. Yay, what a world. Yea, I would say our dating system is pretty messed up these days. Well this isn't half as bad as what's about to come. Get a load of this. If you can't find anyone you like at a party, on facebook, or online, you can just order yourself a robot. Oh I'm not kidding around people. The world's first robotic girlfriend was just invented. (They are working on a robotic male ladies, don't worry). She is complete with flesh like synthetic skin and you can program her to have whatever personality you wish. Wild Wendy, Frigid Farah and Mature Martha are of just a few of the personalities. The article says she can't cook or clean but she can do almost anything else if you know what I mean. Good grief. Are we that shallow we have to stoop down to dating robots now? The robots are available in Europe and soon to be in the United States. All I have to say is gag me.


  1. That is disgusting! What is our world coming to?! Maybe if the dating scene didn't suck so bad we didn't rely on facebook to stalk our potential lovers we wouldn't have to resort to robots. Sounds to me that our society is becoming socially akward...

  2. A band I used to know does a song called Inflateable Amy.....
