Saturday, February 13, 2010

Practice Safe Text

All right all you texters out there. All you people who check your phone at least every two and half minutes because you think you will miss a text otherwise.  And most importantly who have had your heart beat speed up immensely because you swerved off the road while texting your buddy and driving. Listen up. Senator Harms wants to pass a bill that bans texting and driving. If you are caught you will be fined. Wow, that doesn’t seem fair does it? I mean we eat and drive, talk and drive, sing and drive, I won’t name all of them but you get the point. We do a lot while driving because well, what else would we do while we are just sitting in our cars driving sixty five miles per hour? Hmm well chances are if your hands are in on something your brain should be in on it to. So if we are driving, maybe we should put a little more focus into driving. Have you ever drove somewhere but you were texting the whole time so by the time you got there you can barely remember stopping and turning because it was like your car was on auto pilot? Don’t lie. You can remember. And its scary to think about but it happens to all of us. You see people, we must practice safe text. No one wants to hear of another STD. For those of you who are not textually active this means Sudden Traumatic Disaster.  More and more people are getting AIDS every year. Acronym use In Driving Scene.  All of you say oh no, it can’t happen to me. But, yes people, it can.  You keep doing it and your odds will go up. So don’t risk your life to read a few abbreviated words.

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