Happiness is. Happiness isn’t when you get your paycheck.
It’s that feeling you get when you loan a friend in need fifty bucks and expect nothing in return.
Happiness is. Happiness isn’t when you are excited it’s the weekend so you can unwind with a drink.
It’s when you are excited it’s Monday because unlike millions around the world you actually have a job.
Happiness is. Happiness isn’t when you live comfortably in the possession of expensive things.
It’s when you realize that there is an opportunity in the struggle to build your character.
Happiness is. Happiness isn’t when a drink or drug make you feel like you are soaring.
It’s discovering elation in the very state of being.
Happiness is. Happiness isn’t when you get a compliment that suddenly places you on top of the world.
It’s when you give that compliment and sincerely mean it.
Happiness is. Happiness isn’t just going to church every Sunday.
It’s when you can see God in everything and every person you meet.
Happiness is. Happiness isn’t indulging in a wonderful meal and over filling your belly because it tastes good.
It’s when you and self-denial team up at enough.
Happiness is. Happiness isn’t when someone sweeps you off your feet.
It’s that feeling you get after; when you trust that they won’t let you fall.
Happiness is. Happiness isn’t when you buy your child all that it wants to please them.
It’s when at night during their bedtime prayers they thank God to just have you.
Happiness is. Happiness isn’t when you are always having fun.
It’s when you search for fun in the things that mean the most.
Happiness is. Happiness isn’t when you and your loved one watch your favorite TV show together about made up characters.
It’s when a life-changing book could be written based on a conversation between the two of you.
Happiness is. Happiness isn’t when everything in your life is going right.
It’s when the world crashes down on you and you’re still able to find something to be thankful for.
Happiness is. Happiness isn’t when you have the best of everything.
It’s when you make the most of everything you have.
Happiness is. Happiness isn’t “If it feels good, do it.”
It’s when you learn that self-discipline sets you free to fly.
Happiness is. Happiness isn’t about the big achievements in life.
It’s about the major setbacks and how you overcome them.
Happiness is. Happiness isn’t based on an impulse.
If it were, there would be no such thing as addiction.
Happiness is. Happiness isn’t.
If happiness is based on circumstance we are all doomed. Happiness is a challenge. Search for it in everything. It is not something we are blessed with; rather it is something that we attain when we are thankful for our blessings, no matter how great or small. Happiness can be achieved by simply sitting in our own company if we realize that in that company we are never alone. Happiness is in Him, that’s why happiness is found in the little joys of life. Happiness can be found in itself when we give it to others. Happiness is discipline. Happiness is.
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