Over time everyone has thought, their days were much simpler than now
They walked to school both ways, or had to fetch their milk from a cow
They didn’t have gadgets to entertain them, no they entertained themselves
And those foreign things called books, didn’t just sit up on shelves
Yes, I’ve heard stories about how my family had to slaughter their own chickens
And when my pops got into trouble, he knew what it meant to take a licken
Oh stories I’ve heard of my great grandparents and the times they had back then
And I wonder what kind of stories will we tell the next generation
Will we say we had it rough, when all answers were at our grasp
We type in a question on the web and we get a result in a flash
We think we have it rough if we have to miss our TV show
Or if our phone stops working, it totally messes with our flow
Will we say our lives were so busy we had to pay for Yoga to relax
And when we were kids we had books we had to carry on our backs
Will I tell my grandkids I had it rough stopping at red lights
Because fifty years from now they predict cars to be in flight
Am I the last generation that remembers what it was like
When we would go outside and play pretend and go for rides on bikes
Am I the last generation who remembers when a computer didn’t exist in the house?
And Saturday mornings were the kind of cartoons you watched a cat chase a mouse
Am I the last generation who remembers buying a cassette tape
And listening to songs by Shania Twain instead of rap that spits about rape
Am I the last generation who’s mothers liked to poof their bangs
And pantyhose and stirrup pants made you part of the cool gang
Am I the last generation who didn’t have a cell phone until seventeen
And so a guy had to call her parents home instead of texting to sound so keen
Am I the last generation who ate together as a family around a table
Instead of in front of a TV so we don’t have to talk because we’re not able
Am I the last generation who asked for dolls as a Christmas present
Instead of a Wii, Ipod, phone, computer, or such that now sound so pleasant
Am I the last generation who had to do chores without complaint
Or we would get a spanking on our bottoms for not acting like a saint
We can’t say things get better as technology improves
Things like family interaction and real conversation are what we lose
We can’t say things are better now than they were fifty years ago
When divorce rates keep going up and church attendance is getting low
We can’t say things are better in discovering new ways to entertain
When in just forty years from now we will have WIFI to the brain
Am I the last generation who will know life when we tried to live
Are we a dying breed, those who instead of always taking would rather give
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