Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Rainy Day Dreamer

Sitting here in the quiet, tuning into only nature’s beat, I listen as the distinct drops of rain meet the surfaces of everything man has created. I am filled with a cleansing emotion as I watch the water roll out the gutter down it’s destined path and into the canyon below. Please take with it, all my worries and fears. The birds sit on the edge of the deck ruffling their feathers and dancing in the puddles as if the shower brings with it a giddy and lighthearted sentiment. I can hear children playing in this drizzly mister God has created just down the street as their toddler like shrieks of excitement echo. It’s after five now, the clouds are closing in but I feel they bring with them a blanket of comfort. Windows from across the canyon are beginning to light up as people are returning from their workday. The orchestra of rainfall drowns out the faint sounds of the freeway and those who’ve yet to arrive to their destination. I watch as the beads of rain hang on the tree’s delicate branches as if decorating them with a sparkling necklace. I smell a fireplace burning next door as a brisk, smoky chill suddenly fills the air. The rain is beginning to let up and that feeling of sadness overcomes me. Not a lasting sort of sadness but the kind a person receives when they are experiencing the last song at a concert and suddenly realize the show is almost over. I soak up every moment as the darkness engulfs the light that is left from the day. This last hour has been a successful one. Thank you God for again letting me feel your presence.

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