Sunday, January 24, 2010

Where's bin Laden?

Last September marked the eighth year since the terrible tragedy of September 11. With a promise that we would catch the supposed man in charge of it all, news reports are still streaming in of the voice recordings revealing that very man’s proof of existence. How exactly do we get tape recordings from a man and not find out where he is will remain a mystery to many of us. Mr. Osama bin Laden recently spoke publicly about the Christmas Day airliner bombing attempt that took place on a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit. While graciously approving the effort, he specifically stated that the message was from “Osama to Obama.” Now, as he threatens with more attempts of terrorism, President Obama is working on withdrawing troops from Iraq. Something about this picture forming seems a bit odd. According to this recent report bin Laden is believed to be hiding in Pakistan near the Afghanistan border.

 “God willing, our raids on you will continue as long as your support to the Israelis will continue.” Well in most cases this statement would probably seem threatening and perhaps a bit frightening to the U.S. one would think. But if you are the president now days you have better things to worry about because the economy is in a recession and needs some serious work. That war stuff is old news. Just keep the airport security extremely high for our safety and until the recession is over let’s just play phone tag with Mr. bin Laden. 

Here's an idea. We could start publishing colorful books filled with pages of clutter and instead of calling it "Where's Waldo?" we can call it "Where's bin Laden?", that way we can help president Obama out just a little.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting perspective. When the Mars rovers landed back in 2004, there were a number of cartoons of the rovers finding Bin Laden on Mars.
