Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A bunch of Croc...

A creature we humans will never get the chance to actually see, the one you all had models of as a kid, the one we all learned about in third grade, and the one that for some reason seems so known and familiar to us, is the dinosaur. Yes, it seems that although we physically never breathed the same air as a dinosaur or walked amongst their footsteps since they, you know, lived 245 million years ago, we know how fast one can run by looking at their bones. Although we have never really heard a dinosaur roar, after viewing Jurassic Park, you will know that they screamed and roared loud enough to pierce your eardrums. “Well how do we actually know that?” a common person like me would ask. Science of course! Some scientist came upon T-Rex and says wow he has a big jaw I bet he had a loud voice. Well look at a crocodile, a fairly big jaw I would say; have you ever heard a roar come out of that dude, and they are supposedly long lost cousins or something like that. Bones. That’s all we’ve ever found. How then can we be so sure dinosaurs weren’t hot pink instead of the browns and greens we label them with? Because we found them in the ground so we labeled them with the traditional earthy tones. Isn’t it just amazing that we know how a Brontosaurus mothered her children by carefully looking at her bones under a microscope, assuming the bones were female? Shoot I missed my calling. It would have been great to be amongst other archeologists uncovering a newly found bone structure and then vote on who had the best idea for a name for it. Sometimes I think God is looking down on us laughing, thinking “Geez, people really?” 

1 comment:

  1. This is so true! I have never thought of it that way. I can almost imagine a hot pink dinosaur now. It's just funny how we automatically stereotype things when we no almost nothing about them. I bet God is laughing at us...haha
